Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What a day!

So...i really haven't had a bad day here yet. But today pretty much sucked! This morning was ok i woke up and told Jb goodbye then went back to sleep. Around 8:30 i woke up to loud drilling noises...yuck! So i decided to get up, with the drilling going on and off till i left the house around 11:45. I went to Circut City because i can find my camera charger, but theirs cost like $70, so i didnt worry about that. Then i went and got my oil changed and the people there were trying to pull one over on me, saying that i needed to do so much more stuff to my truck...whatever! I had to go to the post office after that to get our mailbox key and mail some stuff. It wasn't that big of a deal until i went to get into my truck and saw that my keys were still in the ignition with all of my doors locked...GREAT! It was starting to look nasty outside and it was cold already. So i go next door to the Jiffy Lube place where i got my oil changed. Some people came over to help me then their manager came out and said that they weren't aloud to help me...what kind of bs is that. So, i went back inside the PO and got a phone book and a coat hanger. The coat hanger didnt work so i had to call Pop-a-Lock, they told me they would be there in 30 minutes...40 minutes and $40 later the guy was finally there. By this time it was getting even colder. Then something happened that this Texas girl had never seen, it started snowing, i had to ask the guy just to make sure it was snow lol. I have always said that i wanted to see snow one day! Haha never again, it was tooo cold! I dont see how you do it Manda. But, he finally got it open just in time, cause it started snowing harder! An on top of all this Jb left this morning for 3 days so i couldn't call him! So hopefully tomorrow goes better with my interview!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Finally I found it...I was about to go crazy!!! I had you html as THE Beginning of our new life, so it couldn't find it and I can't read Japanese so I didn't know it was telling me that blog didn't exist. When I logged into your blog I realized MY mistake!!! This is a good stress reliever and I think it will really help you when JB is out to sea!!! Sorry you had such a crappy day!! Enjoy the LITTLE bit of snow your getting, we got 3 inches this morning and it is still snowing!!! I hope your interview goes well tomorrow I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!! If you get it hopefully you get a discount at PetSmart :)