Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Underways arent that much fun for me!!

Here you go manda im writing one!! the Navy has these things they call Underways, where they go out to sea from any where to a couple of days to weeks at a time. The way Jb talks about it, they are not very fun for him. They are not very fun for me either. If i had a job i don't think i would mind them so much. Thats another thing that has me all stressed out. I thought it would be fun to not have a job, haha thats a joke. I see what Amanda was talking about all those time lol. It sucks not having one. There is only so much a wife can clean, till she can't clean anymore. Jb has only been gone this time for 2 days and we still have another 9 till he is home. I have put in applications at quite a few places. Even some of them being vets, which by the way are not hiring. I feel bad cause im not use to asking Jb for money or anything like that, and in this past year i have become so independent that im use to doing everything myself. I know he is my husband but i don't know... I think i would feel better if i had a job. Today was probably one of the longest days since i have been up here. I went to Walgreens, then me and Baylie drove around for like 20 mins just to get out of the house. Tomorrow im going to go job hunt some more so hopefully i can find one. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me.


Amanda said...

You know my fingers are crossed!!! Don't worry it will get better once you find a job. Just think of the year y'all had to spend apart, the couple of weeks or months he's gone will fly by compared to that year!!!

ilovemysailor_2008 said...
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